Modern Web Application Development: Top 6 Highly Preferred Principles
Web application development has changed a lot over a decade because now it is driven by the latest technology trends. Software development practices, tips and tactics that software developers were applying in the past no longer make sense because the new digital era has entirely sprung up.
Have you ever wondered what makes a software developer productive?
The answer could be as simple as the question seems, the dedication of a developer, knowledge of the latest tactics, and expertise in the specific technology. But the reality is completely different from my friend. In the development productivity has often been considered with speed. Still, this isn’t right to co-relate speed with productivity.
Let me explain this with an example: if a software developer is completing the given task in half of the time than expected, then the developer can be considered as productive, right? Still, I will say it depends because a productive developer is a one who has expertise in building applications in the right way and in the most efficient manner possible. So, productivity stands for speed along with quality.
How to build an application?
Let me explain it in a simple term. A quality application is one that is developed considering the present as well as future needs. The app is developed solving the user’s long-term needs, changing technology and it can scale as the business grows and it is easily maintainable.
To build a quality application, it requires an in-detail understanding of modern 6 principles of web application development. The listed principles have undoubtedly helped our skilled developers to create successful applications to meet the user’s present as well as future needs. It’s not a comprehensive list, but considering these 6 principles can surely help you hail on the ride of success either with a web app, mobile app, analytical dashboard or a web app.

Principle #1: User First
Web has evolved initially; earlier it was tools, then technologies and now devices have emerged. However, there is one principle that has remained the same is user experience. When it comes to focus on the user experience, there is a question that is often overlooked is who wants this? Identifying the answer to this question will help you understand the purpose. Instead of looking at it as an application, you will start developing it as a solution for a specific problem. Once the purpose is identified then go for great user experience. Because its user experience that keeps any users loyal to the brand and a product.
Principle #2: Security is a Significant Part of the Development Process
When it comes to web application security, it is tested through common vulnerabilities like SQL Injection, cross-site scripting and others. Everyone knows the importance of security, but still prevent security vulnerabilities. In my 15 years of experience, I have seen the majority of the developers adding security as a feature in the last stage. Still, in the modern web application, it is built from the first stage, design and architecture include all the security aspects to avoid any financial and reputational costs associated with data losses, downtime, and vulnerability discoveries.
Principle #3: Tools: Web Developer’s Best Friend
Any client wants to bring their product idea to the market faster. One the other hand, security and significant features should not be sacrificed. Adopting the tools can help to speed up the development process. This is the reason there is a significant growth in the development tools, and developers are accessing libraries, frameworks and templates and using IDE’s, GitHub, and low-code development platforms as an ever-evolving skill set to bridge the skills gap.
Principle #4: Web Application Architecture
You shouldn’t catch up in the interface, because architecture also plays a significant role in building an application. Architecture is an inevitable part, but it impacts security, flexibility, maintenance, scalability and more. Building a sound architecture will take some time, but it is essential for building a long-lasting application.
Planning an application architecture is beyond its initial requirements. What if you have to switch to a different server? What if the app requires more features? What happens if it does not support the number of users than you have considered? So, build an architecture considering all the possibilities and future aspects.
Principle #5: Change is Constant
Web is continuously advancing with new tools, new technologies and frameworks as it is being introduced on a regular basis. This progression leads to efficient development. For the software developer it has become mandatory to keep the app with the latest security features. Modern web applications are never complete because developers have to continually update their apps to adapt security trends and considering the changing trends.
Principle #6: Separation of Concerns
Earlier developers were following a monolithic approach to implement new features directly into the application. The only issue with this approach was maintenance, because a minor change in a small area can make or break other applications. Sometimes apps were becoming unmanageable.
Modern web application architecture has a separation of concerns that separates the application into layers to enhance the application’s layer separately. In case, if you want to improve the application’s UI and UX, then take help of multilayered architecture to replace it without interrupting the other layers.
Wrapping Up
There could be numbers of modern web application principles, but I have only listed those whom I found absolutely necessary. Following these 6 principles[1] ensure that your software is stable and ready to scale. We at Technosip, have skillful proficiency in building a modern web application and we know what does it take to build reasonable and seamless modern web application aligned with business priorities.
About Technosip
We are a globally renowned web application development company in New York & New Jersey. We have helped hundreds of our clients to build a modern application with our top-of-the-line web application development services. My purpose of writing this blog is to introduce modern web development practices and how following these principles have helped to serve clients of all shapes and sizes. We are offering end-to-end web application development services not only for our New York and New Jersey based clients but across the US and thus, people looking for web application development services not only in New York and New jersey, but across the US consider us as the one-stop solution for their software development needs.
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